Saturday, August 21

A Brief Request

Flipping through the circulars that come in the mail, one sees pages and pages of cheerful back-to-school tags for everything from pencils and backpacks to college dorm decor in a rainbow of colors. To look at it, one would think that the return to our nation's hallowed halls of learning is as festive and anticipated event as Halloween or Christmas.

Yet recent reading (here and here, especially), conversations and news stories have made me well aware that our schools are not the safe havens of education and development that we want them to be - for our children or their teachers.

So as we approach the upcoming school year, will you take a few minutes to pray for the year to come? Ask specifically for phyiscal, emotional and spiritual safety and protection for the students and teachers as they head back into the drama and chaos of a school system that doesn't recognize God and has it's hands so tied by politics, greed and twisted legalities as to be almost helpless in the face of rebellion and violence. Thank you.

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