Wednesday, June 2

Getting Settled

Not quite a week has passed since we got our keys to this new home, and the last tote was opened and unpacked yesterday! Plenty remains to be done, but it already feels more lived in than any of our previous apartments.

I, of course, started with the kitchen. (It takes up the most boxes...) Can you tell I like cookbooks and olive oil?

Eric hung all the pots and pans on the wall around my beloved white board. Just looking at all my lists and things to drop off various places in one neat spot makes me feel like the whole world is organized. I've even gotten a menu put together for the week with new recipes to try!

Eric also did the hard things like evenly hanging everything that had to go on a wall (I can't hang things straight to save my life) and crafting beautiful shelves to hold our library.

This apartment is rather different from any of the ones we've lived in before, and I look forward to seeing how it works out. It's near everything and comfortably far enough out from the city proper. There will be lots more to post as we add more personal touches, but hope you enjoyed the sneak peak!

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