Monday, March 28

Milk and Abominations Thereof

If I begin to rant about this, I will not stop. So in the interests of sparing you the acidic obscenities spouting in my mind, I will be brief.

Scientists in China have genetically modified an entire herd of cows to produce human milk.

The facts that the components of actual human milk have not yet been fully identified and that no synthetic process has yet been able to even come close to approximating it apparently played no role in their decision making process. Nor did the consideration of what a horrific idea this is on a dozen other fronts. They fully intend to have large- scale production and marketing up and running with a decade.

Can someone PLEASE tell me why, for the love of God, the world can't adopt any of the GOOD stuff out of science fiction novels instead of the life-destroying abominations?

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