Thursday, March 3

Lies, Lies, Lies

Why BBC claims we need GM "enviro-pigs" :
1. Pig waste is toxic.
2. Useful genes have been "precisely" inserted in the pig's DNA, making them perfectly safe.
3. They're cheaper to feed.
4. Human population growth is outstripping the world's ability to produce food.

Lies, lies and yet more familiar lies.

Truth, anyone?
1. Pig waste is not toxic if you feed pigs the proper, natural diet and avoid piling obscene numbers of the animals into a space exponentially too small to support them.

2. It is still completely impossible to "precisely" insert genes into any form of DNA, and scientists remain totally unable to predict how a gene will express itself and why - that's what leads to people accidentally dying of allergic reactions to foods they thought were safe. (StarLink corn tortillas, anyone?)

3. Everything about the design of CAFOs is inhuman, unsanitary and bio-toxic. The ability to feed livestock for a marginally cheaper cost does not balance out or justify any of those factors.

4. It's a thoroughly proven and documented fact (to anyone who doesn't listen to the tripe coming from Monsanto or the U.N.) that the world produces (and can continue to produce) more than enough food to sustain the global population. It is government interference (subsidies), supply chain inefficiencies (warlords preventing humanitarian aid from being delivered) and other strictly human factors that cause people to starve - not a lack of food.

The best part of this whole story? The FDA has a consistent precedent of not allowing controversial labeling... which means these monstrosities will show up in our food supply unannounced with the usual, convenient paperwork glitches that make them untraceable and un-recallable. Nice.

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