Tuesday, February 2

New Endeavors

February? How did it get to be February already?!

There are so many things happening right now, and so many blessings to count. First off, congrats to our friends Heather & Jeremy and Carla & Andy - both families welcomed new babies in January! Many hugs and best wishes to them!

Happy Birthday wishes are due to both my parents, Chris and Celia. We are so blessed to have all of you in our lives and pray fresh blessing and hope for this new year of your lives.

Eric is back on base for several weeks, his days busy with needy planes awaiting repairs. I remain here, laying the groundwork on some exciting developments that I hope will completely reshape daily life here by this summer.

Step 1: Unleash my inner Barbie Doll (in a good way) by signing up to be a Mary Kay Consultant! Although it's not anything I ever thought I would do, I am really excited about this opportunity. I'm just getting my feet wet, but my talented sister has promised to help show me the ropes, so I expect great things!

Step 2: Take the plunge and actually DO something I've been thinking about for quite a while now... start my own Professional Organizing business! After lots of struggling, researching and frustration, I think I've settled on a name: (Anti)Chaos Theory. Like it? I've got the basic pieces in place and hope to have the rest nailed down by the end of the week. It's hugely intimidating to be doing something that's success solely rests on me, but the energy and optimism that working on it has fueled in me has been missing for a long time and I'm delighted to be back in that good headspace.

Though they're only in start-up phase now, the plan is to build them until I can leave my current job and be strictly self-employed. Everything that has happened this past year has prompted me to re-evaluate my life and my priorities, and to seriously look at where my choices/actions are out of alignment with what's really important. So I have determined to change - to take control of my schedule so that my family can come first, and invest myself in things that feed back into me instead of being an energy drain so I can come home and be a positive resource to those I love (not the cranky, exhausted creature I have been of late).

I think that's about everything going on here for now... More to come soon!

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