Monday, February 15


This week, my Dad pointed something out to me that neither of us have known before: there are unicorns in the Bible. How is it that I have gone to church my whole life, and never known this? Of course I'd heard the rumors that they existed but somehow never made it onto the ark, just as we heard that dragons existed until they were hunted to extinction. Both explanations always came across as simplistic dismissals of midieval art and mythic creatures and so passed by with little attention.

I wish that when I was a teenager, my nose buried in the thickest of fantasy novels for months at a time, someone had known and pointed out to me that there were epicly mythic creatures in my Bible and centuries old conspiracy theories wrapped around it. I think I might have dug in with enthusiam sooner. On the bright side, discovering such things myself makes me the one with all the fascinating topics of conversation!

For now, I am busy with all the resultant questions prompted by this discovery. If they did exist, what happened to them? What else existed then that modern life has relegated to fairy tales? What kernals of truth led to the legends surrounding the unicorn, and what is blantantly invented for story-telling purposes? Does this mean that there will be unicorns again when we get to the new earth?

I feel like I'm having one of those complications-of-time-travel conversations with Matthew where everything goes around in circles until your logic is tied up in knots... If anyone wants to weigh in, I'd love to know what you think! In the meantime, I'll leave you with one plausible and entertaining possibility of what happened to these amazing creatures...

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