Thursday, January 6

Online Finds & True News

I have seen a variety of note worthy things around the "interwebs" this week and thought I would corral them all here for your observation.

Reasearch Shows Fluoride is an IQ-killer for Children - conspiracy theorists and real food nuts have known for years that the fluoride pumped into public drinking supplies was not the good idea the CDC and others touted it to be. Finally, there's some indisputable research hitting mainstream airwaves to alert the rest of the world!

Report Warns U.S. unprepared for Bioterror - while no one with an IQ above that of a rock should need an official report to tell them this, it's somewhat gratifying to see the plain truth laid out for those whose heads remain buried in the sand. Hopefully this prompts at least a few more families to wake up to the danger in which our nation hangs and get themselves in gear to preparedness and wiser living!

Synthetic Food Colors Cause Hyperactivity - another long known fact consistently denied by the FDA and its cohorts that is only just beginning to be discussed on a large scale. I was very pleased to see some solid quotes in the article from people who actually knew what they were talking about and weren't afraid to say so.

Picky Reader Blog Button - I am not known for my forgiving nature when it comes to books... I resent poorly written ones and am annoyed by others that I feel blatantly corrupt the expectations and mindsets of readers. I was delighted to find a fellow reader with equally high expectations who was talented enough to make a blog button declaring it! It should show up on the right hand side of this blog, and if you want one for your blog just follow the link and snag your own!

Word Strengtheners - you know that old trick where you write a Bible verse, mantra or something else you're trying to remember/learn on a notecard and tape it to your mirror or over the coffee pot where you know you'll see it a dozen times a day? Compliments of the lovely ladies Ann Voskamp and Holly Gerth (from (In)Courage) you can now download and print beautiful cards already done for you with encouraging messages and complimenting hi-res photos! Much more inspiring than my scribbled script for sure - probably yours too.

Good, true news is hard to come by these days - so let's enjoy it where we can!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog. :-) I am honored you chose to include my post on your blog.

    With Many Blessings,

    "The Picky Reader" ;-)
