Saturday, January 1


I hadn't heard about this until a friend mentioned it this past week, but apparently the new 3D Nintendo gaming system is potentially dangerous. It has been documented as damaging children's eyesight and triggering seizures in people with a history of epilepsy.

My understanding is that children's eyes continue to develop over the first decade of their lives, and that because the new 3D system causes the eye to focus differently than it would normally it warps the eye's development, damaging normal sight.

Although warnings of these phenomenon have started to show up in the news, the industry has no plans to stop producing and heavily marketing these devices. It is up to individuals and parents to be informed and make appropriate choices.

(A brief Google search confirmed these reports, and both the company's website and the informational packets that come with the game include warnings to this effect.)

If you know any gamers or parents of gamers, consider passing this along. Better to know and have the chance to make good choices than find out too late!

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