It's a universally
recognized truth that technology is wonderful… when it works.
Almost as often, it
does a convincing job of embodying one of the circles of Dante's
hell, causing chaos and aggravation where there shouldn't have to be
any. I'm sure I'm far from the only person who has sworn furiously at
a laptop that refuses to acknowledge the existence of a printer
physically positioned less than a foot away, even though both are
plugged in, powered on, wi-fi connected, and came in packaging that
asserts they'll effortlessly auto-connect. Right.
I've long found
ebooks to be a prime example of how the miracle of technology should
work in our favor but usually doesn't.
![]() |
Book Dragon (Source) |
After a series of
time-wasting, headache-inducing attempts to get ebooks on my Kindle
from a variety of sources (such as free book review websites I belong
to, the library system, etc.), I adopted a hard-and-fast rule of
strategically avoided any ebooks that didn't come directly from
Amazon. Everything else just seemed to cost more time and energy
jumping through hoops, searching for files, or trouble-shooting why
the book wouldn't open and display properly than I would have
invested actually driving to the library and picking up a hard copy.
Just about the time
I was starting to seriously believe that Dilbert's Mordac
Preventer of Information Services might actually be real, my
local library system did something amazing: they integrated Amazon
with Overdrive! Whoo hoo!
those of you who are not book dragons too cheap to fuel your own
addiction (and therefore independent of the library), Overdrive is an
online ebook and audiobook system that libraries can buy into.
Library patrons then sign in using their library card info to
'borrow' digital materials. Some people swear by it, but personally
I've never found it to be less than a huge pain to navigate and
utilize. I mostly just stopped trying a couple years ago, in fact.
while looking for something in particular, I discovered entirely by
accident that my library
system's Overdrive setup has been upgraded!
Now, when I select an ebook, one of the download options is a direct
link to the book's page on Amazon. Instead of “buy now” the the
button says “borrow now”. Click it, and the book is sent
instantly and directly to my Kindle – no fuss!
result: I don't have to fight the crazy, construction-mangled traffic
patterns to get to the library. Instead, I remain happily hermit-ed
away, reading for free on my Kindle, no headaches required.
wasn't really a point to this post except to (a) post about something
good that makes me happy, and (b) encourage you to go sneak a peak at
your library's Overdrive page and see if you are the beneficiary of
such an upgrade yourself.
all, with Mordac's efforts plaguing most corners of daily life,
sometimes it's a huge win to be reminded that there is hope for the
kind of smoothly integrated, make-life-easier techology sci-fi has
always promised us.
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