Wednesday, February 15

The (Un)Conference

One of things that has baffled me over the last year as I have pursued grant writing is the number of conferences the museum world hosts and how incredibly expensive they are. For a non-profit industry funded solely by donations and tax-payer money I'm continuously flabbergasted at how much money people think it's normal or acceptable to pour into short, limited-reach events. No matter how great the content looks, I always decide I have to pass - I simply can't justify the costs in time and money.

Apparently, I'm not the only one feels those limitations - and this year they prompted the great ladies over at (in)Courage to think outside the box! Instead of putting together a huge convention at a beach-side hotel that would have been beyond the reach of so many, they decided to host an (un)conference called (in)RL - in real life.

April 27 & 28 of this year, (in)Courage readers can meet and celebrate community right in their own backyards! Check out the video the (in)Courage gals did to share their vision for an (un)Conference:

Want to know more or get involved? Bookmark the (in)RL page or check out the FAQ page

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