Those faithful public servants, diligently working their three day work weeks, multi-tasking important state concerns - Freecell, Solitare, Facebook and baseball scores, as seen above – have been inundated with 8.25 MILLION pink slips! Each slip bears the name of an American citizen fed up with the lunacy and arrogance of our representatives, pointedly reminding them for whom they work and what we want.
The full story is available here if you’re interested: ( What I find the most interesting about the whole thing is that no one is covering it. All that paper, stacked on top of each other, would rival the tallest buildings in the world for height… but no one wants to talk about it. I guess that's okay. We don't need their mindless blathering anyway. Either they shut up and vote with a little common sense and some basic morals or we'll do as the best new bumper stickers recommend:
Send the criminals to jail!