Monday, January 4


When I was growing up, any time my siblings and I hurt ourselves my Dad would jokingly offer to cauterize the injury for us. Obviously, we never took him up on it!

I took it as the ultimate irony, therefore, when I actually did sustain an injury for which cauterization was the official treatment. New Year's Eve night - coming home from work in the perfect storm of exhaustion, distraction and eight layers worth of clothing (it was cold!) - I managed to slam the middle finger of my right hand in the front door. Needless to say, it swelled horribly and was throbbingly painful. I thought I could wait it out and it would heal itself, but by yesterday I finally accepted that it was getting worse rather than better.

So I went to the after- hours care clinic and watched the (very nice) doctor pull out a single use cauterization wand and cauterize a hole through my nail to release the pressure. It's much better now, and I have a nursing student sister and my OT ex-roomie making sure I take my antibiotics and keep my finger wrapped. As fascinating as that little cautery tool was however, I recommend NOT ever needing one used on you!! I included a pic here so no one will be tempted...

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