Sunday, February 11

Reminder: Tomorrow is National Clean Out Your Computer Day

Did you know tomorrow is National Clean Out Your Computer Day?

Even if you can't make time for it tomorrow it's worth considering scheduling a little time to tidy up your digital life this week (or month)?

Both of us over here have done bits of pieces of this lately for different reasons, so we've had it on the brain anyway. I can affirm what most of us already know: it's far easier to let yourself do this in small increments as you have time than to have to slog through it in a bigger chunk when you're trying to actually get something else accomplished. Save yourself time and headaches!  You'll be glad you did, later.

In addition to the obvious (like cleaning up your desktop icons), think about whether you can/should catch up on some of the following, too:
  • Cleaning out photos, notes, contact list, texts and apps on your phone.
  • Updating your login/password backup list.
  • Reviewing your Pinterest boards, getting rid of things you no longer want/use.
  • Reviewing and updating any wish lists you keep online. 
  • Clearing out your email. 
  • Backing up key files (using whatever method you like best).
  • Properly titling and filing digital photos. (This would be a great time to make the effort to get your favorites printed, or to share a happy memory with a friend!)
  • Deleting or canceling your accounts on websites you no longer use. 
  • Ask yourself what you should have digitized and don't! (E.g. backup copies of important legal documents)
  • Gather old phones, cords, etc. and get them out of the house - donate them to one of the many charities that collect them, or find out where they can be recycled.
I know it looks like a long list and there's certainly no reason to feel like you need to sit down and do it all at once. But digital clutter is still clutter, and it still costs us time and energy throughout the year (usually when we can least afford it). Give the rest of your year a boost by getting your digital house in order this month (while it's too cold and wet to get much done outside anyway)!

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